Raspberry Pi

The easiest way to setup ROS on Raspberry Pi is to install Ubuntu Mate. Although it’s possible to flash your SD using the terminal I would recommend to use a graphical tool to assist, because it really sucks to destroy your main drive. Etcher is available on Linux, MacOS and Windows to write the image to the SD card.


Ubuntu Mate is not currently supported on Pi B3+, don’t use the B3+ model for now!

The next step is to enable SSH. Hookup the Pi to a keyboard and monitor and execute the following.

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

Then copy your ssh-key from your workstation to the Pi.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub pi@x.x.x.x


The latest Firefox (version 55) is not supported on the Raspberry kernel, use sudo apt-get install chromium-browser instead.

You might want add the Pi to your ~/.ssh/config file to make your life easier.

Follow the same steps on Installing ROS for Xenial to complete the installation on Mate.